Significant increase in terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip

Significant increase in terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip


    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)
    Terrorist activity in the Gaza Strip continues despite the ceasefire, and specifically, in the last few weeks, there has been a significant increase in terrorist attacks against Israeli communities and civilians inside and outside the Gaza Strip. This increase constitutes a blatant contravention of the ceasefire agreement.

    In the last three weeks, Palestinian terrorists have fired three Qassam rockets, six mortar shells and an anti-tank missile, ten explosive devices have been uncovered and detonated, and fire was opened at Israeli communities and IDF forces in over 30 different incidents. As a result of these attacks an Israeli civilian was lightly wounded, an IDF non-commissioned officer and IDF soldier were moderately wounded and a third IDF soldier was lightly wounded.

    In addition, eight attempted infiltrations into Israel were thwarted, involving 25 Palestinians who were taken for questioning.

    Significant attacks:

    Tuesday, April 26, 2005 - Palestinian terrorists fired two Qassam rockets at Israeli communities in the Western Negev, in two separate attacks, from Beit Hanun in the northern Gaza Strip. In both cases the rockets landed in open territory. A third Qassam rocket was fired at an Israeli community north of the Gaza Strip at the beginning of the week. In all three cases no injuries or damage were reported.

    Thursday, April 21, 2005 - An IDF soldier was moderately wounded when Palestinians detonated an explosive device near an IDF vehicle that was patrolling near the security fence surrounding the Gaza Strip, in the northern Gaza Strip.

    Monday, April 18, 2005 - A non-commissioned officer was moderately wounded and an Israeli civilian was lightly wounded after Palestinian gunmen opened fire at them, while infrastructural work was being carried out near an IDF post on the Israeli Egyptian border, near Rafah.  

    Sunday, April 17, 2005 - An IDF soldier was lightly wounded when Palestinian gunmen opened fire at an IDF post near the Israeli community of Gadid in the Southern Gaza Strip.